
Vision Balance Grounding Transformation Inspiration




Heart Third Eye

About Unakite

Unakite, a unique and visually striking gemstone, is known for its mottled green and pink appearance, which creates a natural, earthy aesthetic. This stone is composed primarily of green epidote, pink orthoclase feldspar, and quartz, giving it a distinctive color palette. Traditionally associated with balance, healing, and spiritual growth, Unakite is a popular choice for those seeking emotional well-being.

Physical and Geological Properties

Unakite's hardness varies between 6 and 7 on the Mohs scale, making it suitable for various types of jewelry and decorative items. It is typically found in river valleys where erosion has exposed the stone, polishing its surface naturally. The unique combination of green and pink is due to the presence of epidote and orthoclase feldspar, respectively, while the translucent quartz within it adds depth and complexity to its appearance. Unakite is predominantly mined in the United States, especially in the Unakas Mountains of North Carolina, from which it gets its name. However, deposits can also be found in South Africa, Brazil, and China.

Historical Background

Unakite was first discovered in the United States in the late 19th century and quickly gained popularity for its use in jewelry and as an architectural stone. Its unique and appealing color combination has made it a favorite among artisans and craftsmen for creating decorative items and ornamental pieces. In addition to its aesthetic appeal, Unakite has been used in spiritual practices for its believed healing properties, particularly in areas related to fertility and re-birth, making it a stone deeply rooted in nurturing and growth.

Metaphysical Properties and Symbolic Meanings

Unakite is often called the "stone of vision" for its ability to open the third eye and promote psychic and spiritual growth. It is believed to balance the emotional and spiritual bodies, aiding in the release of deep-seated emotions and fostering a sense of peace and calm. Unakite is particularly associated with the heart chakra, enhancing love, compassion, and kindness towards oneself and others. It is also thought to support physical health, especially in matters related to pregnancy and childbirth, by promoting a healthy balance of physical and emotional well-being.

Pairing with Other Gemstones

Unakite pairs well with other stones that complement its grounding and nurturing energy. Rose Quartz, with its gentle pink hue and loving energy, enhances Unakite's heart chakra properties, promoting love and harmony. Green Aventurine, sharing Unakite's green aspects, amplifies its connection to nature and growth, while Smoky Quartz can provide additional grounding and protective energy. These combinations make for harmonious blends that enhance Unakite's natural qualities, making it an ideal stone for healing and emotional balance.

Basic Care Instructions

To maintain Unakite's beauty, it should be cleaned gently with soapy water and a soft cloth. Avoid harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaners that can damage the stone's surface. Unakite should be stored separately from harder gemstones to prevent scratches. While it is relatively durable, it is best to protect it from sharp blows and extreme temperature changes to preserve its natural beauty and vibrancy.

Use in Bracelets

Unakite's unique blend of green and pink makes it a visually appealing choice for bracelets. It offers not only a beautiful addition to any jewelry collection but also brings a calming, balancing energy to the wearer. In bracelet form, Unakite can constantly remind the wearer of their connection to the earth and their own emotional landscape, promoting healing and spiritual growth. Whether set in a simple, elegant design or paired with complementary stones, Unakite bracelets are both stylish and meaningful, suitable for everyday wear or special occasions.

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