
Joy Positivity Wealth Abundance Creativity




Aries Gemini Cancer Leo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius


Sacral Solar Plexus

About Citrine

Citrine, with its radiant yellow to brownish-orange hues, embodies the warmth and energy of the sun. This semi-precious stone is often associated with prosperity, joy, and success, making it a popular choice for those seeking to manifest abundance and personal power. Its vibrant color and luminous quality have made Citrine a favorite among gemstone enthusiasts for centuries.

Physical and Geological Properties

Citrine is a variety of quartz that owes its yellow to orange coloration to traces of iron. It is relatively hard, ranking 7 on the Mohs scale, which makes it durable enough for a wide range of jewelry applications. Natural Citrine is rare and primarily found in Brazil, but it also occurs in Russia, France, and Madagascar. Much of the commercial Citrine on the market is heat-treated amethyst or smoky quartz that has been altered to produce its characteristic golden hue. This process, however, does not diminish the stone's recognized metaphysical properties.

Historical Background

Citrine has been prized since ancient times for its beauty and purported healing properties. The Greeks fashioned it into jewelry in the first century AD, and during the Romantic Period, it became popular for its decorative and gemological uses in Scotland and Spain. Citrine's name is derived from the French word "citron," meaning lemon, referring to its lemon-yellow color. Throughout history, it has been known as the "merchant's stone" for its association with wealth and success.

Metaphysical Properties and Symbolic Meanings

Citrine is celebrated for its ability to attract wealth, prosperity, and success. It is believed to enhance vitality and energy, promoting optimism and encouraging the wearer to embrace a positive attitude. Citrine activates the solar plexus chakra, enhancing self-esteem and personal power. This stone is also thought to carry the power of the sun, making it capable of dispelling negativity, promoting joy, and inspiring motivation and creativity. It is often used in manifestation rituals to achieve personal goals and desires. Citrine is a birthstone for November.

Pairing with Other Gemstones

Citrine pairs well with other gemstones that enhance its sunny disposition and manifesting properties. Amethyst, which promotes spiritual growth and protection, can create a powerful combination for overall wellbeing and success. Clear Quartz, known as a master healer, can amplify Citrine's energy, enhancing its ability to attract abundance. Green Aventurine, associated with luck and prosperity, complements Citrine's wealth-attracting properties, making for a potent mix in attracting abundance and success.

Basic Care Instructions

To maintain Citrine's vibrant color and clarity, it should be cleaned using warm soapy water and a soft brush. It's important to rinse the stone thoroughly after cleaning to remove any soap residue. Citrine should be kept away from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or heat, which could alter its color. When storing, wrap Citrine in a soft cloth or place it in a padded jewelry box to prevent scratches from harder gemstones.

Use in Bracelets

Citrine makes for an exquisite choice in bracelet design, offering not only a touch of natural elegance but also the added benefit of its positive energy. A Citrine bracelet can serve as a constant source of joy and energy for the wearer, reminding them of their inner strength and potential for attracting prosperity. Its sunny hue complements a variety of styles and occasions, making it a versatile accessory for any wardrobe. Wearing a Citrine bracelet is believed to enhance personal power, attract wealth, and promote overall happiness, making it more than just a piece of jewelry but a tool for positive transformation.

Popular Creations using Citrine